Monday, June 22, 2009


While on vacation in Cincinnati last week (visiting the Creation Museum), we learned that Lila and Kaleb's birth certificates had been delayed. These things can happen with any adoption. Especially when adopting through a third world country, even basic services (like electricity) are not always reliable. We have so much to be thankful for in the USA.

Our confirmed travel date is now July 11. We fly from Charlotte, to Washington DC, to Rome and then into Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, landing on July 12. While in Addis, we will be staying at an Ethiopian Guest Home for adopting families.

Holly and I have now received our Typhoid, Polio boost and TDAP vaccines in addition to Hepatitas A and B received a few years ago when we adopted Quin from China.

Praise God for His perfect timing! Thanks again for your continued prayers!!

1 comment:

The Comers said...

I had tried to call and wish you two "bon voyage" earlier today, but didn't get through. I'm glad that you have some "breathing room", though I'm sure you were looking forward to going. I know you're anxious to get Lila and Kaleb, but as you said, God's timing is perfect! Hope you had fun at the Creation Museum!